
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Duffy Assembly

Today Panmure Bridge School had a Duffy Assembly. It was amazing to have Matt Johnston, Taylor, and the main freight group to come and visit our school. Each class got their books handed to them in Duffy assembly.  In Duffy assembly everyone sang the Duffy song. A big thank you to Main freight for giving our Duffy books. I will have an amazing Easter holiday reading my Duffy books. Today I got a pixels and spider man avengers book. 

Professor Stephen Hawking

nfortunately Stephen Hawking, a world renowned physicist, died on the 14th of March 2018. Sadly he had Motor Neuron Disease which meant he was not able to use his muscles. Our class decided to create a DLO about who he was and why he was famous. We wrote information about his contribution to science and how he had proved that not everything can fit in the black hole. We have focused on using our words to write sentences and also remembering to attributing the sites and photos we used.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

place value mulitplication

Today I did an DLO to explain how to use place value doing an multiplication equation. I really learned a lot of from this and excited to see whats next for me.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Commenting on Karoro school (Cullam)

Me and my partner Christopher commented on Cullams slideshow from Karoro School.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Let me tell you something about winter Olympics.

Let me tell you about the Winter Olympics.

In the winter Olympics there are many winter sports to be played. You can also win lots of mascots and trophies. This year the 2018 winter Olympics was held in North Korea. There are all sorts of medals you can win gold, silver and bronze. There were 92 nations/countries at the 2018 Pyongyang Olympics this year, and all the athletes tried their best to represent their country. Too compete in this winter Olympics you need to have lots of skill for the snowboarding and skiing events. There were two Nz'ers who both won bronze medals,4 they represented New Zealand very well, by showing their caring about their heritage.

This morning we worked in pairs, to do a collaborative 5 minute writing challenge we sat back to back with our partner and wrote a explanation about the winter Olympics we took turns at writing all we did was write a sentence then you buddy carries it on. It was very important we did this because it can help us with our writing structure. My Partner was Joshua.We sure did enjoy the fun activity.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday, March 12, 2018

Hard ice, Soft ice.

Today our reading group read the book called soft ice and hard ice.  The task was called find 5 main ideas from the text. I was working with Miki.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Agents of change (Junior)

Image result for panmure bridge school logo

To help us set goals, we looked at how we could be agents of change in our own 2018 learning journey. If you wanna be a agents of change you will have to set goals you know you can achieve.