Monday, November 26, 2018
PBS Athletics Field Day 2018
Today PBS had Athletics Field Day. It was kindly set by some of the Tamaki College students. Their 9 different stations courses. The activity we did was a game that was inside the hall where there can only be on tagger from each team. And you had to get as much as possible tennis balls to put back on your side. This event is about showing sportsmanship and teamwork. After completing those tiring 9 stations.. At 12:30 we had our sausage sizzles. And the end of the day the races were on at the track field. I hope will get a nice rest, because there were many of running around and noise.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Book Week Challenges - What signs are needed in a Library?
Today I did an DLO on what signs are needed in a Library. I chose wisely about important signs. The most important sign in my DLO is probably the No smoking. Because you have to think about the childrens that are inside the library. It can spread germs and disease. It can also make kids faint and sick. This is probably the worst way to get sick and get germs. All of these signs are needed in the Library to take care of our community and our Environment. I completed this on myself, because I can focus a lot better without anyone distracting and taking me off task.
Book Week Challenges - Alphabet Key - Authors and Books
As part of Book Week. We have this thing called the Matrix. Its where you choose any of the activity to do with a Buddy or by yourself. Today i completed an Alphabet key on Authors and Books. It was easy to find the picture books but it was very hard to find authors because there are not that many authors in the world. I worked on this on my own, because I knew it would easier to be focused on the work instead of getting distracted by your buddy.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Hua Rakau
For Te reo Maori, today I created a poster that shows a Maori names of fruits. While doing this activity I learnt some of the fruit names in Maori. Some of them sounds the same in Maori. The task was to just use the Maori name so we can understand by looking at the photos. I completed my work with Joshua W.
Read Theory - Analysis

Friday, November 16, 2018
Book Week Challenges - Facts about meercats
We had to make an DLO on Meekats. On this DLO i worked collaborativey with Jericho and Julian. All we had to do is research some facts about meerkats, and a image of an meerkat. What shocked is that Meekats Sleep and hunt together because i thought they hunt alone by themselves. I really enjoyed doing this activity because i really wanted to learn a lot more about meerkats.
Book week Challenge - Wolves Emily Gravett.
As part of our book week we created a DLO about Wolves by Emily Gravett. All we had to do is do a t - chart that explains what we think about wolves , and what we think about wolves. We had to research if our own thoughts were true or not true. And i also decided to research about the author Emily Gravett, and her book Wolves. It was really interesting reading her book Wolves, because it sure hooked me to the story.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Bar Graph - What Makes A Book Boring?
As part of book week, we have been gathering information about what make a book boring. We joined as a class and rotated around the room answering questions on a paper. We would then use Google spread sheet and create a graph, showing what makes a book boring. We have found out that most people find a book boring due to the unattractive pictures and Vocabulary. I worked collaboratively with, Jericho, Savelina, and Hajera.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Length & Width of Book
This week is Book Challenge Week. Me and Jericho have decided to create a DLO on the width and length of a book. We have chosen three random books and measured them. We have noticed that each book has 19cm of length
Venn Diagram
Today i have made an DLO on Making an Venn Diagram and Compare 2 books as part of book week. I chose the do World Rugby Records and Captain Underpants. I worked by myself on this activity.
Book Week - History of Book in my Life
This week we have been celebrating Book Week because this week is the Book Week. This was the first challenge that we have given. The challenge was to make a DLO that shows a time line of the books that I have been reading. My favourite book is Diary of a wimpy kid because it is very interesting and hooks me in very much.
Armistice day
Today Panmure Bridge held a commemoration for Armistice Day since it is on Sunday. Armistice day which is every year on November the 11th to mark and remember the sign between the Allies of World War 1 and when the gun fell silent. We celebrate this to remember those who fought for their country during World War 1. We were lucky to have a member from the NZ Defense Force. During this commemoration we I read the pray at the start of the commemoration, Tiava and Jeremiah (head boy and head girl) read the oath, and Ms Kirkpatrick (deputy principal) read In Flanders Field. During the commemoration we were silent for a minute to remember the soldiers who died during World War 1. There was also 3 olive tree to represent the past, present, and future. We also played the Last Post which is where we were silent for a minute. After our commemoration we had the member from the NZ defense force speak to us. It was really nice to learn all about world war 1 and all other things about the army force.
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