Today for reading I've created another Making connections DLO. I have read a new book called The Forty Coats Man. This story is about a man that wears many of coats and goes to this womans house called Mrs Archie just to ask for a cup of tea but sadle Mrs Archie gets mad and tries to hunt him down. But he comes along and meets Jerrie a kind girl who actually likes this man and becomes friends with him.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
This week was our 4th session of Kiwi Can. Our kiwi can tutors were Ms Lily and Mr Latu. First, we discussed about our topic and the theme for this term. Our theme is Integrity which means to do the right thing even when you know no one is looking. Our topic for this term is Positive Role Models. A role model is someone who inspires others to make good choices. As part of looking at Role Model we looked at four Kiwi role models which were Steven Adam (Basketball Player), Sam Webster (Cyclist), Jean Batten (New Zealand aviatrix) and Lorde (Singer). We played a energizer based on them. First we got into partners. Then, Mr Latu called out one of the four people. If he called out Steven Adams one of our partners were to make a hoop and the other was to pretend dunk on it. If Mr Latu called out Lorde we were to hold our partners hand and pretend to sing. This was a really fun game and everyone enjoyed it.The rules were simple.
Kiwi sport
This week was our 4th session of kiwi sport with Hamish (Rippa Rugby Coach). First we played two rounds of octopus using the rippa tags. Most people used their speed to get pass people and some used their foot work to get pass the taggers. After that we were splitted into three teams to play an actual game of Rippa Rugby. Two teams were chosen to go on he field and had 5 minutes of game time. Then the other group verses the winner of the first game. It was great to see a lot of people participate.
Samoan Numbers
As it is Samoan Language, Myself , Viliami, Kanye, and Jordan created an DLO and a screencastify on how to say Samoan Numbers. We decided to make this, so for people out there that dosent know Samoan Language, you can always feel free to learn from this DLO. We took turns saying the Samoan Numbers from ten to one hundred.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Samoan Language Week - Food
Samoan Langue Week-O le Vaiaso Gagana Samoa.This week the half of LS1 and LS2 made a DLO about Samoan Language week.I corroborated with Kanye,Viliami, and Jordan. Our DLO was about food.First we Talked about the different food that are eaten in Samoan Culture. We all tryed our best and complete this well. I had fun doing this activity and also teaching my teacher Mrs Anderson how to say some Samoan Language words. I'm sure everyone had fun learning some new things in their lives. I was trying to support everyone by going around if they needed any help becasue, i can speak Samoan Language fluently.
Monday, May 28, 2018
Leap of Faith
This week for writing we were writing a narrative. This narrative is about taking a leap of faith. This is a first person story describing the feelings and mixed emotions this person was feeling while competing in a big event. To help improve my writing I proof read it out loud to hear for my mistakes. I added, deleted and changed sentences and words to make it more interesting.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Tech Reflection
Today was our last session of art tech and to end a great orientation we learnt about jewellery boxes from the maori culture. The jewellery box from the Maori culture is known as a waka huia. A traditional waka huia consists of feathers from the huia bird and has cultural maori patterns. Contemporary on the other hand does not have feathers from a huia bird and nor does it have carvings. Prices also differ because of the authenticity and the age. We were asked to create sections of the waka huia. The photo above is a Kiwi who is sticking his beak in ferns. That is the lid of my waka huia. A waka huia usually holds green stone pendants and special jewellery. The waka huia is similar to the Japanese himitsu bako. I really enjoyed learning something about a culture and it was fun being taught by Mrs Telefoni. Mrs Telefoni is without a doubt one of the best tech teachers I had. Thank you Mrs Telefoni for a great orientation.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Kiwi sport Reflection
Today was our second session of Rippa Rugby with Hamish (Rugby Coach). First we played a game of Everybody's It Tag which is a simple game where everyone is in and you have to try and get a rippa from another person. The rule were that you were not allowed to cover your rippa, no contact with anyone else and you were not allowed to stay in one spot. At the end the person with the most rippas win. The next game we played was Tag Rush which is similar to bull rush bust instead the tagger has to try and take a rippa from another person. I really enjoyed this game because I got to use my stepping skills on my friends. After playing four rounds of Tag Rush at the end we finished off with a actual game of Rippa Rugby. I think this was my favorite game I played today because it's like playing rugby (my favorite sport) but instead, no contact. Thank you to Hamish for coaching us and thank you to Ms Morris for supervising us.
Kiwi Can Reflection
Today was Kiwi Can group B's fourth session of Kiwi Can. Our theme for this term is integrity which means making good choices when know one is looking. We have a new topic for this term which is role model. A role model is a person who's actions inspires others to dream more, do more and learn more. It is important for us to be a positive role model to our new entrance students so they can admire us as good role models. Our energizer was really fun but I do not know the name for it. For this game we were splited into two groups according to the amount of people we had in our Kiwi Can group. We were to pick one person in our group and they were to be blind folded. They had a toy noodle (I would call it) and they had to try and protect the pen that was under the chair they were sitting by trying to hit us (with the toy noodle). Our goal was to try get the pen under the taggers chair. The rules were simple. We weren't allowed to go from the back of the chair and the sides. Our last game we played was called who's missing? In this game everybody were to spread out and lie down facing the ground. We were to cover our faces as well. Then, either Mr Matt or Ms Lilly were to tap a person and that person had to go into another room. After that we had two guests of who was missing from our group. The hart part was trying to know everyone in our group
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Making Connections
Today for this reading task we made a making connections google draw. We read a book called Im a Wimp. To complete this task we then created a making connections sheet with text to text, text to world, and text to self. Everything was related to the book Im a Wimp
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
9 times table DLO
Today for maths we have created a DLO using our 9 times tables. Last week we wrote down our 9 times tables so we would be able to know them ourselves, to create our 9 times tables. We used our 10 times table knowledge to help us complete our 9 times tables. We were able to write down what we had already known and just times it by 10 to finish it off. We were able to finish it off by working in pairs.
Monday, May 21, 2018
New Zealand flags.
Today for reading I created a DLO between the differences of the New Zealand Naval Flag and the New Zealand Flag. To complete this task I also included the meaning of the Auckland Arm of Coats. I decided to use a google draw to layout my work. i enjoyed my time doing this very imperative work so i get to know more about New Zealand flags.
Friday, May 18, 2018
Tech Reflection
Today at Tech we started our session with answering the questions on what waka huia is and also answering the other questions that is related to it. A Waka Huia is a treasure box, which was used by Maori to hold precious ornaments such as hei tiki and huia feathers for dressing the hair. After we had completed the task, we then moved to next level and get an A4 paper and sketch manaia patterns that represent waka huia.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Rippa Rugby Kiwi sport
Today was our first session for Kiwi Sport. We were excited and couldn't wait to play. Our Kiwisport coach was Hamish from the Marist Rugby club which most of us knew him from a lot of our Rugby Inter schools so we got a long with him quite quickly. First we played a game of Netball Rugby. In this game we were split into two groups. The aim of the game was to pass the ball (rugby rule) to our team without running (netball rule) and try to get to the other side of the field. It was a bit tricky for me because I'm always use to running with ball since I play rugby. Soon we played a game where we had to pass the ball in our team line trying to reach to the end of our group. This game was a really competitive game because people were eager to pass the ball quickly up and down the line. People were to excited so they dropped the ball and had to start again. At the end of the session we played Netball Rugby again but instead we were allowed to run with the ball and you had to tag the opposite team with two hands. I would like to thank Hamish from the marist brothers rugby club for coming and teaching us some skills.
Kiwican Reflection
Today at Kiwi Can we were revisiting our theme and topic. Our theme for this term is integrity which means doing the right thing when we know no one is looking. Our topic for this term is Making Good Choices. First we talked about how we can show good choices in our class and in our community. I said that I can show good choices in my class by helping my classmates if they are stuck in any situation and not playing games during learning time. We also discussed about how making bad choices have consequences. For example if you fight someone at school the consequence will probably be getting expelled or getting growled at. For our activity today we played a game called hand soccer. This is similar to soccer but instead you use your hand. This was a really enjoyable and competitive game. At the end we were given points for showing the 5 Kiwi Can values which is Respect, Encouragement, Positive Attitude, Participation and Teamwork. The points were scored out of 5 and at the end we got 23 points. I think for next time we need show more positive attitude towards our Kiwi Can tutors and to our teacher. But i'm sure everyone had a lot of fun.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Jjuxtaposition- Poetry
This week we were working on poetry. Our task was to re write the poem in our own words after reading a poem called Two Day Wonder. My partners and I decided to take one step forward and made our poem rhyme even though the original poem didn't. For this task I worked collaboratively with Dallas.
Friday, May 11, 2018
Samoan/English- Body Parts
This term for Inquiry we are learning about body system. I have completed an DLO that shows the name of my body parts in Samoan and English language. I think this DLO helps me remember the name of body parts in Samoan and English. I have really enjoyed using google draws to draw myself for the first time. I would like to thank my classmate Fraidon for helping me using this document to draw.
What is a Homonym.
This week for Poetry I have created a DLO that explains what homonyms are with examples that will help others strengthen their connection to this learning.Did you know that Homonyms means two words that are spelled the same but has different meaning.For example Land is a place and Land is also landing on you bottom.
Kiwi Sport with Ms Morris
Today unfortunately Auckland sports wasn't able to come to our school and teach us Rippa Rugby. But, we were lucky enough to have Kiwi sports with our reliever teacher Miss Morris who I think was a good sport coach. First we had a warm up game which we had to be splited into two groups which was a competition for everyone. We were to pass the ball through our whole team. Then we had a game of Ball Tag which was played at the courts. Ball Tag was fun because we did a lot of running. It was very competitive because I was versing some good people who played this game more than me. Thank you to Miss Morris for coaching us today.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
This week we went to Kiwi Can.Our topic was Making Good choices.The first thing we did was a energizer what we did was we where on 4 teams and the people that are in the circles have to cath the ball but the team mates have to pass it to him and they can't move with the ball.The next thing we did was we talked about the bad things people have done and what to do to slove this.Then the last thing we did was GKQ.In this a person would start then Mrs Lilly or Mr Matt will tell us a qestion if the person staning did not answer the qestion then the person that was sitting down has to stand up and see if they can verse the other people.
Mrs Gren
For his term for inquiry we have been learning about the human system. I created my own completed DLO about the 7 living process of Mrs Gren. Mrs Gren is a acronym that helps us remember 7 living process which are: Movement, Respiration, Senses, Growth, Reproduction, Excrete, and Nutrition.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Ls2 Lung Capacity
To compare the lung capacity of students in Ls2 we used one breath to blow up a balloon, then we measured the circumference of the balloon in cm. Then we could graph the result to compare them.
Julian got the most lung capacity blowing a balloon.
Avalon got the lowest lung capacity blowing a balloon.
I was the only student who got a lung capacity of 54 blowing a balloon
Julian got the most lung capacity blowing a balloon.
Avalon got the lowest lung capacity blowing a balloon.
I was the only student who got a lung capacity of 54 blowing a balloon
How to survive an cow attack
Today for reading I made a completed DLO about How to survive a cow attack. To complete this activity I read a article called How to Prevent a Cow Attack. I managed to find some images of 2 cows and also 3 interesting facts about how to survive a cow attack.
Friday, May 4, 2018
The story of Hineahuone
For this term we have moved from searching about the Winter Olympics to learning about the body system. Our first task was to create a storyboard about the story of Hineahuone who was the first women to be created (based on the Maori Beliefs). I worked collaboratively with Joshua V and Joseph to create this and we did a amazing job together. Before creating anything we were to sketch note on paper. We did this by drawing symbols of what the story was talking about. For example if the story had the word jump in it we would probably draw a person jumping or an arrow going up. It was a bit challenging but we got the hang of it at the end. As you can see our storyboard looks very simple with short paragraphs to it. I apologise if you cannot see the worlds or pictures clearly but you can tap on it to see it clearly.
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Narrative poem DLO
Today we read a poetry about La Tour Mollet (Ted) d' Auvergne, this is about a person who did not finish his drink while he went to war. So he gave an person his drink and said "don't hold it don't don't break it or sell it .i'll drink it when I get back". But he never returned, because during the war he died.I felt very sad because he died during the war he went to and never came back to drink his beer. But i also feel happy because the person who looked after his beer, kept their promise and took care of the brave soldiers beer.
Roller skating

As part of Kiwi sports this term Mr Ogilvie has kindly offered skating lessons in the hall for students year 4-8. Today was the year 7&8;s turn to have an fun and joyful roller skating lesson. First Puna (our skating coach) taught us how to get up on the roller skating shoes which was pretty easy for some people. We then had a warm up game by practicing how to skate. I found it easy but I still need to work on my momentum. Soon. At the end of the lesson we were lucky to get VIP Skate Pass which meant we could go to one free skating class.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
This week LS2 have been doing a Sophisticated Picture book study. The book we were focusing on was called Memorial. The book was about memories that have been past down by generations of a family. For this we were to listen carefully to the story and learn what its about. The slide above is about the Illustrator (Shaun Tan) and his quote about the story. After reading quote we were to write what the quote means and give examples from the story we read.
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