Wednesday, February 28, 2018
multipication game
My maths group played a fun mulitiplication game to make us learn our times table facts and help us with our learning. I recommend this fun game to any schools. (Like what they say) Maths is fun.
Friday, February 23, 2018
A certificate for being organised
Art Tech
Today in art Tech, we finished off our work from last week, and then after that was finished we went to the next task. Which was getting an a four paper to write and draw symbols behind our culture and our country, and draw a bit of patterns, we also listened to music during the task. And then some finished but some did 'nt but we still have next week to finish it. And then it was time to go back to school. I'm sure everyone had a fun time in tech and behaved.
By Junior.
Place value addition DLO
i had to come up with an addition worded problem to show kids or people how to work it out by using the simplest stratigy, place value. I hope people will watch this and learn from this video.
By Junior
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Softball, Second session
Today we had softball training in sports. First of all, we introduce ourselves to Alison, who was in charge of the softball session. So before we were getting ready for the session, we had to warm by doing twenty star jumps and run to the closest tree, come back from running to a tree and then we started the session off. We had to pair up with a person for the first activity. My pair was Karl. So then once we found a pair each we had to, pass to pass with the softball. Then after we had competitions of who can move apart the furthest and catching the ball. Everyone sure had a lot of fun in that activity. And then it was time to pack up and go to library. Everyone said thank you to Alison for having us and helping us. Today's sport was very fun, can't wait for more to come.

By Junior.

By Junior.
Kiwican Reflection.
Today at Kiwican with Mr Matt and Mr Latu. Today we did n't have Ms Lily because she was trying to look at people that has a good or bad attitude during the activity. Our topic for our second Kiwican session was, fairness and fair play. So we had a few of fun games that was inside the classroom. But before we played any of the fun games, we had to collaborate on what fairness and fair play means. I put my hand up and said, fairness and fair play means showing integrity.So we just played simple games like ball tag and others.... At the end of the session Mr Matt and Mr latu rated our behaviour. For my own opinion, this week's behaviour is better then last week's because everyone was listening and following the rules. Both the kiwcan teacher's was proud of our behaviour, but at the end some people (not me) was misbehaving but the rest were. I'm sure everyone had a great time today.
By junior.
By junior.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Reciprocal reading
Today my reading group Ponui, did reciprocal reading. We were focusing on the text - Constructing big air. The book was about a person following their dreams, and trying to make it true. I had a turn being the leader and asking questions.
Friday, February 16, 2018
First Tech session
Today at school,Ls2 went to tech by bus, which was held at tamaki college. This was my first time going to something fun like this. There was three groups, year eight b, year eight a, and there was one group with all the year sevens,my group was year eight b. My group did art at tech and surely everyone had fun and a great time. So what we did in art was naming all the things you see everyday, and trying to find out the symbol of it, like what does it represent. So i did my family and naming what they represent, for an example i represent the oldest sibiling. After that we were about to present our work but we didin't get time to do it, but we still have next week to present it. Even though we didint get time to present, we still had fun. Mrs Anderson was actually right, it was fun. So it was time to go back to school for morning tea. So we were the bus and blast off we went back home.
By Junior
By Junior
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Kiwican Reflection
Today , we had our first kiwi Can session for 2018 with Miss Lily and Mr Matt, the topic was encourage. We started off by listening to the expectations to follow in Kiwi Can and telling our names.. And then we played two simple and fun games inside the room, they were both change places and group scripts, that was about encouraging and discouraging. There were three groups. Group number one,two and three. I was in group number two. So each groups had to come up with a script . And then lastly we ended off with a fun and teamwork game call colour tag. We played the game with three evenly teams, first off my team started against ofa's team, my team wore a coloured bib and the other team wore an blank bib. So my team had the ball first and trying to tag the people from the other team, with out running, (That was the trickiest part) but all you could do is freeze, but if you didin't had the ball you could run and look for a free space, and a person near you with no bib on you can tag them. So that is what Ls2 do in kiwi can. And i'm pretty sure everyone had a great time learning how to encourage, each other.
By Junior
By Junior
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