This week we have been learning about the Victorian era. The Victorian era was based on Queen Victoria's time. Our first activity was to choose one of the task from Victorian time and Ofa, Mataio and I decided to choose to research about the Children working in factories. We researched about this because we wanted learn how life was hard for children back in the Victorian times. I found out that kids who are age 5 to 6 and are skinny would have to climb to the chimney and clean all the yuck chemicals. In my perspectives we are lucky because back in the Victorian time if the kids spoke to each other they were smacked, but in nowadays we don't get smack for doing bad things in schools. Some of the kids doing the chimney sweep had rotten teeth because of the chemicals. After this activity we were to draw a steampunk which was based on the Victorian era. A steampunk is when modern technology is mixed with technology back in the Victorian times. I have drawn a owl that has a hat and a google that is on the hat. Our last task was to make a DLO based on what steampunk art is and facts about it as well. I really enjoyed all activity especially drawing the steampunk.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Monday, November 26, 2018
PBS Athletics Field Day 2018
Today PBS had Athletics Field Day. It was kindly set by some of the Tamaki College students. Their 9 different stations courses. The activity we did was a game that was inside the hall where there can only be on tagger from each team. And you had to get as much as possible tennis balls to put back on your side. This event is about showing sportsmanship and teamwork. After completing those tiring 9 stations.. At 12:30 we had our sausage sizzles. And the end of the day the races were on at the track field. I hope will get a nice rest, because there were many of running around and noise.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Book Week Challenges - What signs are needed in a Library?
Today I did an DLO on what signs are needed in a Library. I chose wisely about important signs. The most important sign in my DLO is probably the No smoking. Because you have to think about the childrens that are inside the library. It can spread germs and disease. It can also make kids faint and sick. This is probably the worst way to get sick and get germs. All of these signs are needed in the Library to take care of our community and our Environment. I completed this on myself, because I can focus a lot better without anyone distracting and taking me off task.
Book Week Challenges - Alphabet Key - Authors and Books
As part of Book Week. We have this thing called the Matrix. Its where you choose any of the activity to do with a Buddy or by yourself. Today i completed an Alphabet key on Authors and Books. It was easy to find the picture books but it was very hard to find authors because there are not that many authors in the world. I worked on this on my own, because I knew it would easier to be focused on the work instead of getting distracted by your buddy.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Hua Rakau
For Te reo Maori, today I created a poster that shows a Maori names of fruits. While doing this activity I learnt some of the fruit names in Maori. Some of them sounds the same in Maori. The task was to just use the Maori name so we can understand by looking at the photos. I completed my work with Joshua W.
Read Theory - Analysis

Friday, November 16, 2018
Book Week Challenges - Facts about meercats
We had to make an DLO on Meekats. On this DLO i worked collaborativey with Jericho and Julian. All we had to do is research some facts about meerkats, and a image of an meerkat. What shocked is that Meekats Sleep and hunt together because i thought they hunt alone by themselves. I really enjoyed doing this activity because i really wanted to learn a lot more about meerkats.
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